Golden Toast - Set-Up Strategie & Foodcontent Produktion


You want it, once you see it.


We wanted everyone out there to crave Golden Toast. How? With the most delicious and beautiful food content that makes your mouth water.


For the German toast & sandwich brand we developed a Pinterest set-up-strategy including a new tailored look & design and some delicious new recipes. To reinterpret the product we created recipes combining trend-setting foods and classics. Keeping it simple and easy was essential – if you are hungry, there’s just no time for a three-hour-oven-baked-pulled-beef-thing.


The result: extraordinary delicious recipes with toast & sandwich, which are easy to prepare and will definitely grab foodie’s attention on Pinterest.

Behind the scenes ...

Agentur: La Red, Germany (2018)
Strategie: Nike Greulich, Kristina Düver

Art Direction & Konzept: Kristina Düver
Text & Konzept: Nike Greulich
Rezeptentwicklung: Nike Greulich, Kristina Düver
Fotografie: Kristina Düver

Propstyling: Nike Greulich, Kristina Düver

Foodstyling: Anna Walz